Home > Structure > English > Manuals > User Maunal > Functions, Services  > Notifications
A newer version of this fact exists. (view)

You can customize your notification settings by following the steps:

1. Click on "settings". Usually you can find the "settings" link next to the "logout" link.

2. The following interface will open:

settings - 1309542.1

    Click on "configure notifications".

3. You will see:

notifications - 1309552.1

4. Receive notifications - choose either not to receive notifications or to receive all notifications(configured by padmin and you - COMPLETE notifications) or the notifications configured only by yourself

5. Email to be used - type your email address here

6. Email format - choose to receive emails with plain or html text

7. Notification period - choose to receive daily, weekly or monthly report

8. Notify me about - all platform changes or select custom services, dialogs or folders

Author: Webservices GmbH factline; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Published by: factline GmbH (factline6)
factID: 1309666.2 (...history); published on 10 Apr. 2009 15:15
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