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A newer version of this fact exists. (view)
factChat enables synchronal communication on your platform. In order to make it a powerful tool in the working environment, factChat has been enhanced with two additional dimensions:

* Entries can be positioned freely (space).

* All entries remain accessible (time).

Working environments in which factChat is used:

* Support - combine the advantages of telephone und email support: immediate communication without time delay. In addition, the support conversation is documented and can be reused for clients with similar questions. Also, a support person can help more than one client at a time.

* Selling - create an additional salesroom: With factChat you can personally "meet" your guests, leaving a strong impression.

* Meetings - regular meetings can be held, the meeting protocoll is written automatically and will build up to a "fountain" of shared knowledge.

* Brainstorming - collaborate with your best minds, even when separated by 1000s of kilometers.

As a module, factChat may easily be integrated in existing websites as well.

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Author: Hella Dietz; Copyright: factline; Published by: Hella Dietz (Hella)
factID: 109620.1; published on 23 Apr. 2002 18:16
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