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Home > Structure > RELEASES > 2006-01-31 > Working Papers > WG6 Environment (DLD)   
WG6 Environment (DLD)
The paper primarily focuses on the reduction of exhaust emissions, and hence pollution to the atmosphere, since this is one of the biggest challenges of the inland navigation sector. This working paper discusses existing national and international environmental regulations, ways to prevent emissions by reducing the fuel consumption of inland vessels, options to reduce the emissions of the high priority pollutants. The paper outlines new engine and ship design concepts that might support the improvement of environmental performance of inland waterway transport. The paper also pays attention to other aspects of inland shipping and the environment, such as water pollution and waste. Recommendations are given within the paper covering regulation (e.g. refining emission standards for PM5, PM2,5, PM1 and PM0,1), state-aid and/or European funding (e.g. for introduction of catalytic converters), and promotion and education measures (e.g. support for publicity campaigns for all electric ships).

Author: Gert-Jan Muilerman; Copyright: DLD; Published by: Gert-Jan Muilerman (Muilerman)
factID: 229154.1; published on 27 Jan. 2006 15:18