poseidon http://poseidon-partnership.factlink.net/193271.0
21 Feb. 2025; 22:55
North Kent - Twydall Neighbourhood Action Plan

North Kent Twydall - 193790.2

Pilot project area
The Twydall neighbourhood has been defined by local perceptions and encompasses the geographical boundary of the Twydall ward in Medway. It is an area of predominantly 1950/60’s low rise housing. Good levels of play and open spaces mask housing stock in need of refurbishment and an ageing population contrasting with high percentages of young people. Local activity is centred around the Twydall Family Centre and Holy Trinity Church and is not yet formally established as a single community led initiative as at All Saints. However early successes have included the establishment of a community web site, the employment of a community worker, consultation around the use of the church site and the completion of a social audit. Future plans include the redevelopment of the church site in conjunction with the local Primary Care Trust to create a centre delivering health and social services within the Twydall community. As part of this process of redevelopment of the site the genuine and full involvement of the community is imperative through local community consultation exercises.

Overall goal
The pilot project intends to integrate lessons learnt and experiences from other neighbourhoods in North Kent, and from European partners in the POSEIDON Project to work with local people to prepare an action plan for the neighbourhood that will identify and address the key issues and needs as identified by local residents and stakeholders. The project shall primarily address those who are considered to be economically or socially excluded.

Target group
Residents and workers of the Twydall neighbourhood renewal area. This will include all parts of the community, the young, the elderly, those working, and those unemployed.

North Kent - 193798.2


The project will employ a community development worker who will work with local stakeholders and residents to identify the key issues of the area, then a neighbourhood action plan will be produced. The key points from the action plan will then be delivered to address the key issues.

Description: North Kent Gateway Partnership

Local Contact: Richard Dawson, richard.dawson@medway,gov.uk

Spring 2006 - Twydall Newsletter.pdf

Winter 2005 - Twydall Newsletter.pdf

Autumn 2005 - Twydall Newsletter.pdf

Spring 2005 - Twydall Newsletter.pdf

North Kent pdf