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21 Feb. 2025; 23:30
Stockholm - the Youth Council in Rinkeby

Stockholm Youth Council in Rinkeby - 193788.2

The target area of the pilot project is Rinkeby, situated in the north-west part of Stockholm. Rinkeby is a deprived area in many ways. Statistics show a high percentage of inhabitants in need of social welfare and/or having low incomes. A high percentage of students are not qualifying for upper secon-dary school. Still, Rinkeby has a reputation of being innovative, exiting, rich in culture and having a lot of atmosphere. The inhabitants are mostly young. 25 percent of the entire population is under the age of 25. A recent survey among residents has shown that many regard activities for young people as a good investment in the future.

Overall goal
By giving young people an opportunity to put their own efforts into the youth council, it is hoped to achieve capacity building and empowerment. We believe young people mature and learn to accept responsibility when given a chance to make a real contribution to their community.

Target group
Young people, 13-19 years of age.

Networking to reach young people and motivate them to join the youth council. Activities (cultural, environmental, other) in the community conducted by the council. Creating a website as a tool to share common issues and information.

Description: Majlis Karlsen, Mauricio Chacana

Youth Council pdf