poseidon http://poseidon-partnership.factlink.net/194993.2
21 Feb. 2025; 22:52
21 Apr. 2005
Vienna - Press conference
Projects for better quality of life
From April 20-23, 2005, experts of the EU project POSEIDON will meet in Vienna for an exchange of experience related to neighbourhood management projects. At a press conference and subsequent information exchange bazaar held on April 21, 2005, journalists and guests will be provided with first-hand insight into interregional particularities of regional neighbourhood management structures and correspondingly varied pilot project ideas promoting measures for the benefit of deprived neighbourhoods. Both events will be held in the POSEIDON target areas of Kaiserstrasse as well as in the premises of the socalled Ankerbrotgründe, in the 7th and 10th districts of Vienna.

EU POSEIDON partnership in the POSEIDON target area of Kaiserstrasse

Positive experiences made in other neglected shopping areas of the partner cities, and successful implementation of measures for socio-economic revitalisation and local citizens’ participation in other cities, will be discussed by representatives of the POSEIDON partnership, the media and the public invited.

The press conference on April 21 will be held in an authentic location: a garden studio from the Gründerzeit era. Local residents and business people will meet with POSEIDON representatives visiting Kaiserstrasse for an exchange of experience, following the press conference and information bazaar on April 21.