All information on an FCS platform can be linked by indicating its
unique identification number ( "infoID"). This is not only possible
within but also across platforms. This means that content from other
FCS platforms can be referenced on one's own platform via a link or
integrated as full text via the function "includefact".
concrete examples:
learning communities
An educational institution operates several learning platforms which
are separated according to specific organizational or content-related
criteria. Obviously, overlappings are quite common meaning that
specific content of one platform is also relevant for another platform.
In this case, the possibility to directly link, either statically or
dynamicly, to the information via indicating its infoID has
proven practical
An international company operates an FCS platform for each site. In
order to celebrate the company's 10th anniversary, a big ceremony is
planned. The invitation, created by the headquarter, is included as
full text on each platform using the function "includefact". Later, a
detailed programme is added to the invitation which is immediately visible on all platforms.
related topics:
optional static or dynamic linking