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This is the information platform of the factline Community Server (FCS) of the company allgemein - pfeil extern - 236706.2 factline Webservices Ltd. Here, you can read through all allgemein - pfeil rechts - 232392.4 online help texts relating to the functions of an FCS platform.

You want to ask a question in a support forum?
Log in, please!

   (a) You are already registered on an FCS-platform.
         Use your username to log in.

   (b) This is your first time on an FCS platform.
         Please, register!
(1) Click on "register".
(2) An input mask opens. Please fill out all input fields.
(3) Click on "register".
(4) A password will be send to your e-mail address
      within a few minutes.
(5) Log in with your username and password..
(6) After you have logged in, you will be asked to change
      your password to someting you can easily