The detailed information presented below concerns application areas and publications relevant for factline and would most probably be of interest for some of the visitors to our website.
- Publications
Guarantee of existence for digital information
more (only available in German))
This article introduces a concept for guarantees of existence and their significance for distributed, webbased knowledge work. (
PDF 240kB, only available in German)
Paul Meinl , Max Harnoncourt, Lotte Krisper-Ullyett, February 2005
Guarantee of existence as a precondition for networked e-portfolios
more (only available in German))
The idea to provide learners with an "e-portfolio" which serves as an indivdual learning room is considered a significant step towards the realization of the vision of lifelong learning. (
PDF 96kB, only available in German)
Paul Meinl , Max Harnoncourt, Lotte Krisper-Ullyett, September 2005
"Keys to success for virtual, self-organised learning communities"
more (only available in German))
This article deals with the phenomenon of self-organised learning communities and their strategic significane for universities.
Published in: Sammelband zum Workshop GeNeMe Gemeinschaften in Neuen Medien der TU Dresden, October 2005. (
PDF 207 kB, only available in German)
Paul Meinl , Max Harnoncourt, Lotte Krisper-Ullyett, Oktober 2005
New paths in the web (
more (only available in German))
Newly edited version of the article "Neue Wege Netz", published in:
WEIDINGER-MOSER Maria (Hrsg.), Communication goes Europe, Österreich-Brüssel und retour, Innsbruck: Studienverlag 2004. (
PDF 350kB, only available in German)
Paul Meinl, September 2004
Distributed knowledge work" (
more (only available in German))
The significance of distributed knowledge work increases continuously. The knowledge worker and his ability to solve current problems quickly are in the center of interest. (
PDF 46 kB (only available in German))
Paul Meinl, Max Harnoncourt, April 2004
Genderspecific barriers of access for internetbased network communication"
more (only available in German))
Social behavior, which is experienced, perceived and dealt with differently by men and women, is analysed before the background of network-oriented, internetbased working processes (eg. national/international project work, learning environment or working processes in cross-organisational structures).
Uta Rußmann, Max Harnoncourt, Ursula Seethaler 2005
Referencing as a key to efficient chat (
more (only available in German))
Contribution to the conference on "Chat communication in business, education and media", 8 - 10 May 2003 in Dortmund.
DOC 340 kB (only available in German))
Max Harnoncourt, Astrid Holzhauser, Paul Meinl, Ursula Seethaler 2005
Can chat be effective? (
more (only available in German))
Article about usage of chat-technologies in a working environment
Max Harnoncourt, May 2001
"True Online Publishing (
more (only available in German))
True Online Publishing - The idea: Information, published in the Internet, should be referenced and quoted in a a reliable way.
PDF 20kB, only available in German)
Hella Dietz, April 2001
- Diploma thesis
"Chat technologies within business environment" (
only in German available)
In her diploma thesis, our employee Astrid Holzhauser analyzes the extent of usage of the chat technologies in the business world.
"Online publishing" (
only in German available)
Our employee Sebastian Udulutsch makes a thorough and critical examination of the concept Online publishing in his diploma thesis. Here you can read the results from his thesis from June 2002.