Home > Struktur > English > Manuals > p-admin manuals > system messages > Registration notice for p-admins
Registration notice for p-admins

Below, you see an example of a registration notice sent to p-admins after a new user has registered on the platform.

You can adapt the text according to your wishes. However, the tag <username/> must not be deleted.

Choose from the list of recipients who should get a registration notice for p-admins.

Hello p-admin,

The following new user:

name: <firstname/> <lastname/>
username: <username/>
e-mail: <email/>

has registered on the FCS.



AutorIn: Astrid Holzhauser; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Publiziert von: factline Webscervices GmbH (factline7)
infoID: 161944.9 (...Archiv); Publiziert am 05 Mar. 2014 13:35
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