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Design of the System
FCS Platforms can be built on any offer from the various Content Services. If needed, Content Services can be switched on and off afterwards.

The core of the system are the so-called content services, with the help of which you can publish content. The various content services make possible distinctive presentation of information depending on the intended content. So for example a news article must look different to a forum posting or a free text. Each single published content object will be referred as "fact". All facts of a service will be saved in separate service filings.

These "service filings" are the storage base of the FCS platforms. For thematic classification of facts the "Structure" service is available. In the folder structure which you can configure there, you will not find the original facts, but the shortcuts to the originals. This has an advantage that the same fact can be assigned to more than one folder, or to none.

 Structure:  users - aufbau des systems [en] - 160864.6
 Service Filings

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