After clicking "Users management" an overview of all users will be displayed which contains:
- username (click the link to see the user's profile)
- first and last name of a user
- date of registration
- name of company (optional)
- information about last login - if there is no information, then the user has never logged in into the platform
- information about membership of groups in detail - Here you can see member of how much groups is a user and to which ones. Furthermore, if you click on "edit" you can easily change the membership of this user to the groups and subgroups.
- possibilities to edit :
1) Edit the profile - here you can change the personal information about a user such as first name, last name, birthday, etc. 2) Edit the password 3) remove the user - removing a user will remove him from the main and all other groups, but will not delete the user from the system.

In this form you can also register new users on your platform. In order to do so, please, follow the steps:
- Click on "Create a new user"
- Fill in all required fields for the registration (the mandatory fields are marked in bold)
- Click on "Create user"