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User Settings
After you have already logged in, in the right side of the menu bar, you can see a “Settings”-button. All personal properties are specified in the Settings. These properties are separated into five areas, which are listed in the left frame (options area).

Basedata - telephone - address
Under these three points you can review and specify the contents of your “Business card”. By clicking on the link with your name that is in the meta-info of every fact that you have published, every user can read this information.

In the fourth area you can change your password.

In the fifth and the last area you can specify your preferences for the automatic email notification.

All inputs and changes made, are saved by clicking on the “submit”-button.

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Autors: Astrid Holzhauser; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Publicēja: Astrid Holzhauser (Astrid_H)
infoID: 109660.7 (...Arhīvs); Publicēts 03 Aug. 2005 10:49
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