Users have different rights, as the case may be, according to which user group(s) they are assigned to and which permissions these groups are granted. In principal, a user can only see those services and contents for which he/she has been given permissions.
A user can:
- Register
- Change his/her settings (user data such as address, telephone number, photo...)
- Order information (notifications) concerning changes to texts
- Retrieve contents (the authorization system controls who sees what)
- Enter contents (if the services images and downloads are activated, they can also upload pictures and externally-created data files)
- Link/Associate contents with each other (link)
- Change contents (Permission settings control who is permitted to edit)
- Hide contents (Permission settings control who can delete what)
- Set permissions for new or altered contents
|  | Permissions System: The user sees which groups the pAdmin has added and can select which groups he/she would like to grant read/write permissions to. This person cannot, however, add his/her own groups. |
- Come into contact with other users (ping, chat
), if these services are set to available.