IV. Currently used instruments
Whether you
are the manager of an EU project or the initiator of a knowledge
network does not matter. As soon as several persons communicate
regularly with each other, work together on common information
repositories or try to appeal to a large interest group via Internet,
the task of choosing suitable instruments and avoiding mistakes which
arise due to lack of knowledge of possibilities and risks of the
respective instrument needs to be mastered. In reality, many mistakes
are made here. The mistakes are profoundly because instruments which
are wrongly used do not only lead to a decrease in efficiency but also
act counterproductively. At present (possibly again), the usage of
Internet technologies encounters scepticism among users which can turn
into complete rejection in case of a malfunction (It does not work
The most important instruments which are currently in use as well as
the advantages and disadvantages of different applications will be
described in the following subchapters.
You can download the complete article here:
"Communication goes Europe - new paths in the web" (PDF, 624kB)